The Complete Flintwalker Saga is here!

This saga actually began and ended on Twitter.

 Back in November 2017 Twitter expanded their character count, now you could write a few sentences and there was also a poll option. I thought it would be funny to post an old style text adventure post to mark this change.
 “You’re at a crossroads the road South, East, or West which way do you go?”
 This tweet got a big reaction from people but the poll tied. This was unsatisfactory to my mind, so I added a bit of context and gave people the choice again.
 “You're a Goliath, part of an unusual tribe of mountaintop dwellers, standing at 7' 4" with an Iron banded staff, druids robes rustling in the wind, you have set out to chart a path to Chult, (due S.E you think.) and find a home for your people there. There's a fork in the road...”
 Again it tied.
 This was genuinely starting to annoy me now, possibly my (at the time undiagnosed) autism was in play. So I decided to put someone else on the road and give people a nudge towards making an actual decision. I wrote an actual first contact encounter and from there it took a life of it’s own.
 I wrote a tweet or sometimes a long thread of tweets every day for two and a bit years, with the exception of a couple of days where I was at game/sci-fi conventions running or discussing my other flights of fancy but even there I usually found some time. I never had a plan for any of this, I’d start fleshing out parts of it mentally but the players decisions nearly inevitably took the story in different directions.
 I took to rolling the dice (D20 naturally) for player actions, like a proper role playing game so even if they chose what I envisioned when I sat down that day it may not go the way anyone wanted.
 Admittedly if I got the character into a closed environment then I could plan the next few tweets ahead but when they got out into the world it was totally improvised. I started compiling the entries on a blog so I could keep track of what had gone before mainly so I could remember funny ideas I had at the time in case the chance came to circle back to them. As the compilation began to grow I got inspired to fill out the world lore.
 The character tells a story in a tavern, I wrote it as a separate piece but I've put it in here when they tell it a second time, Creation Myth, which is now the prologue came about on an impulse halfway through a train journey as lore for how Admin came to be, in truth they appeared much later in the actual story as way for me to heckle the players. Imagine your RPG party having to have a sit down with a cosmic H.R. person and explain themselves after each scenario!
 At another point I was stuck, literally had nothing, so on a whim decided to throw in a naked guy running past the player to see what they would do. They could have hidden from what was chasing him, they could have run in any other direction, instead they chose to run after him. So now I needed a lore reason for the naked guy and why he was being chased. This became the tale of Bertram the Bastard which I wrote as a way to get the character into yet a horribly dangerous enclosed space. I fleshed it out Bertram's story a bit afterwards with the intention of it being a piece of stand alone fiction but I had to include it here because the events of it became critical in tying later events in the saga together.
 Admin who you meet at the start was actually created much further along in the story mainly so I could heckle the players a little in game. Later when I was compiling this I decided to insert them at various junctures to help make sense of the story so far for people who hadn't been following.

 Hopefully it worked, as the way I ran things forced this chronicle into being told mainly in the second person and some people can struggle with that, to those people I can only apologise and remind you: I never planned this.
 It does switch to third person for the Tale of Bertram the Bastard so I hope it’s slightly less jarring. So here you go, a full collection of the game and all the associated creations, part new fiction, part record of a very unusual game, part fan fiction for that game, all madness.
 Be Well, Be Safe.

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